The info command prints values for the following keys.

A key can be supplied as an argument, such as info bazel-bin or if no argument is given, most key/values are printed.

Key Description
bazel-bin Configuration dependent directory for binaries.
bazel-genfiles Configuration dependent directory for generated files.
bazel-testlogs Configuration dependent directory for logs from a test run.
build-language Print a binary-encoded protocol buffer with the build language structure.
character-encoding Information about the character encoding used by the running JVM.
client-env The specifications to freeze the current client environment. [^1]
command_log Location of the log containing the output from the build commands.
committed-heap-size Amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the JVM to use.
default-package-path The default package path.
execution_root A directory that makes all input and output files visible to the build.
gc-count Number of garbage collection runs.
gc-time The approximate accumulated time spend on garbage collection.
install_base The installation base directory.
java-home Location of the current Java runtime.
java-runtime Name and version of the current Java runtime environment.
java-vm Name and version of the current Java virtual machine.
max-heap-size Maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management.
output_base A directory for shared bazel state. [^2]
output_path The output directory.
package_path The search path for resolving package labels.
peak-heap-size The peak amount of used memory in bytes after any call to System.gc().
release bazel release identifier.
repository_cache The location of the repository download cache used.
server_log The bazel server log path.
server_pid The bazel process id.
starlark-semantics The effective set of Starlark semantics option values.
used-heap-size The amount of used memory in bytes. [^3]
used-heap-size-after-gc The amount of used memory in bytes after a call to System.gc().
workspace The working directory of the server.

[^1]: The output can be added to the project-specific rc file. See

[^2]: As well as tool and strategy specific subdirectories. [^3]: Note that this is not a good indicator of the actual memory use, as it includes any remaining inaccessible memory.