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Version: 1.5.x


run_binary() build rule implementation.

Runs a binary as a build action. This rule does not require Bash (unlike native.genrule()).



Runs a binary as a build action.

This rule does not require Bash (unlike native.genrule).

Example usage (generated):

load("@bazel_skylib//rules:run_binary.bzl", "run_binary")

# A unique name for this target.
name = "",
# Output files generated by the action
outs = [],
# The tool to run in the action
tool = "",


Required name.

A unique name for this target.


Optional list of strings. Default: []

Command line arguments of the binary.

Subject to $(location) expansion.


Optional dictionary: String → String. Default: {}

Environment variables of the action.

Subject to $(location) expansion.


Required list of labels.

Output files generated by the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Optional list of labels. Default: []

Additional inputs of the action.

These labels are available for $(location) expansion in args and env.


Required label.

The tool to run in the action.

Must be the label of a *_binary rule, of a rule that generates an executable file, or of a file that can be executed as a subprocess (e.g. an .exe or .bat file on Windows or a binary with executable permission on Linux). This label is available for $(location) expansion in args and env.