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Version: 5.10.x


The root Workflows configuration.

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bazel: BazelConfiguration

Global bazel configuration. These properties will apply to each bazel based task. Can be overriden at the task or workspace level as required.

Note that if bazel rc files are listed here, they are applied to each workspace with a relative path, therefore they must be available in each workspace referenced.


env: Map<string, string>

A set of environment variables that are set of each task. Can be overridden at the task level.


Optional hooks: TaskHook

List of hooks that will apply to all primary tasks by default. This list will be combined with a list provided at the workspace and task level. Hooks will be run sequentially, starting with hooks at the root level.

If an id is supplied for a hook, it can be overridden at both the workspace and task level.

A hook definition can also take a when condition to allow for applying hooks to a particular task type, or the use of other conditional expressions. If a custom when condition is supplied on a hook at the root level, the default behaviour of running only on primary task types is dropped, and must be supplied on the custom condition.

For example, to run a hook on all primary tasks on the main branch:

- type: before_task
command: docker login
- task:
primary: true
- branches
- main

If no custom condition is supplied, the hook will on all primary task types. A primary task is one of the following types:

  • build
  • buildifier
  • configure
  • delivery
  • format
  • gazelle
  • lint
  • test
  • warming


Optional notifications: NotificationConfiguration

The notifications that will be issued on build pass/fail events


observability: false | ObservabilityConfiguration

Connection properties for the observability system. If set to false, build observability is disabled.


queue: string = 'aspect-default'

The queue / runner pool that each task should run on.


tasks: ReadonlyMap<string, TaskConfiguration>

Map of tasks that will be enabled. See the Tasks category for a list of available tasks.


Optional warming: warming

Enables warming for all the workspaces


Set options directly on the WarmingTaskConfiguration in the tasks map.


workspaces: Map<string, WorkspaceConfiguration>

Map of nested workspaces to create additional tasks for. For example, if a nested bazel workspace exists at examples/service within the repository, the following configuration could be used to create additional tasks.


- examples/service
- test:

This property accepts both a list of workspace paths, or a map where the key is the workspace path, and the value is additional workspace options via WorkspaceConfiguration.