Install on Amazon Web Services
This guide assume you have Terraform installed on your machine,
or use automation options like Atlantis to run the terraform apply
command for you.
The minimum supported versions for the Workflows terraform code are:
- Terraform >= 1.9
- AWS Provider >= 4.67.1
Increase "Managed policies per role" quota to 20
Workflows requires an increase of the "Managed policies per role" quota to 20. AWS should approve this quota increase request immediately in most cases.
This is an account level IAM quota only found in us-east-1
20 is the maximum for this quota. Requesting an increase to more than 20 creates a support ticket and delays the approval.
(Optional) Grant permissions to deploy
If you expect an Aspect Developer Productivity Engineer (DPE) to deploy resources, then follow this section.
Create a Role to hold the Aspect policies. You can do this with Terraform, or in the AWS console from the IAM > Roles > Create role section. Use the following values:
Select "trusted entity" and set the following:
- Trusted entity type: AWS account
- Another AWS account:
(Aspect's AWS account number) - Require MFA: enable, as Aspect's engineers are required to use multi-factor auth
Name, review, and create the role
tipOne choice for the name is
. Aspect engineers need to know this name to be able to assume the role.
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; import Details from '@theme/MDXComponents/Details';
Permissions required for terraform apply
import apply from '!!raw-loader!../../../runbook/permissions/apply_permissions.txt';
Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Aspect Workflows CI runners are EC2 instances, not Kubernetes pods. Therefore, the base image uses an AMI. To help you get started with Workflows, Aspect provides a number of starter AMIs.
Aspect Workflows starter AMIs are currently built on the following Linux distributions,
- Amazon Linux 2 (al2)
- Amazon Linux 2023 (al2023)
- Debian 11 "bullseye" (debian-11)
- Debian 12 "bookworm" (debian-12)
- Ubuntu 20.04 "Focal Fossa" (ubuntu-2004)
For both amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64) and come in the following variants:
minimal (just the bare minimum Workflows dependencies for fully hermetic builds)
(minimal +gcc
) -
docker (minimal + docker)
kitchen-sink (minimal +
, clang, cmake, docker, jq, libzstd, make, and yq (where supported))infoYou can find the most up to date list of packages in the Workflows packer scripts.
Amazon Linux 2 (al2) images have an older version of glibc, which can cause issues bootstrapping runners for GitHub Actions.
These AMIs are currently available in the "us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-west-1" and "us-west-2" regions. Contact us if you would like us to publish starter AMIs to additional regions.
To query the list of all Aspect Workflows starter images, run the following command:
aws ec2 describe-images --owners 213396452403 --filters "Name=name,Values=aspect-workflows-*" --query 'sort_by(Images, &Name)[].Name'
Use this Terraform snippet to locate an AMI at plan
data "aws_ami" "aspect_runner_ami" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["213396452403"] # Public Aspect Workflows images AWS account (workflows-images)
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["aspect-workflows-<al2|al2023|debian-11|debian-12|ubuntu-2004>-<minimal|gcc|docker|kitchen-sink>-<amd64|arm64>-*"]
The packer scripts used to build Aspect Workflows starter images are open source and you can find them on GitHub.
You can install and use Aspect Workflows with Spot Instances by setting the use_spot
attribute to true
in the resource_types
Add the Terraform module
The Terraform module is currently delivered in an S3 bucket that you can add to your existing Terraform setup.
Here's an example:
For the hosts[XXX]
and XXX_runner_groups
values, make sure to replace the XXX
with the value to match your CI.
These are:
: GitHub Actionscci
: CircleCIbk
: Buildkitegl
: GitLab
module "aspect_workflows" {
# Replace x.x.x with an actual version:
source = ""
# Replace my-region with the AWS region you're deploying to
# (S3 buckets are global, but terraform uses an API that can't do cross-region reads)
aspect_artifacts_bucket = "aw-artifacts-[my-region]"
# Ask us to generate a customer ID for your organization and input it here
customer_id = "MyCorp"
vpc_id = data.terraform_state.outputs.circleci_vpc.vpc_id
vpc_subnets = [data.terraform_state.outputs.circleci_vpc.private_subnets[0]]
# Replace XXX with one of gha, cci, bk
hosts = ["XXX"]
# Define Bazel states we know how to warm up
warming_sets = {
default = {}
# Define any customizations for the remote cache and remote execution here.
remote = {}
resource_types = {
"default" = {
# One or more instance types can be specified via 'instance_types'.
# Specifying multiple instance types allows Workflows to scale out when demand
# for a particular instance is high, or can not be fulfilled.
instance_types = ["i4i.xlarge", "i4i.2xlarge"]
image_id =
# Optionally, defines if spot instances should be used for this resource
use_spot = false
# Replace XXX with one of gha, cci, bk
XXX_runner_groups = {
default = {
max_runners = 10
resource_type = "default" # Corresponds to a resource_types entry above
warming = true
warming_set = "default" # Corresponds to a warming_sets entry above
warming = {
max_runners = 1
resource_type = "default" # Corresponds to a resource_types entry above
policies = {
# "default" key in warming_management_policies corresponds to a warming_sets entry above
warming_manage : module.aspect_workflows.warming_management_policies["default"].arn
warming_set = "default" # Corresponds to a warming_sets entry above
(Optional) Apply custom security groups to runners
Some organizations have a policy that requires adding custom security groups to the runners that are managed by Aspect workflows.
You can achieve this by setting the security_groups
attribute on the runner groups or queue configuration object.
This is a map from string
-> AWS Security Group ID (the name is not currently used by Workflows).
XXX_runner_groups = {
default = {
security_groups = {
vpn_access :
(Optional) Custom IAM policies
If you need to add any custom IAM policies to the runner role, set the policies
or policy_documents
attribute on the runner group or queue configuration object.
XXX_runner_groups = {
default = {
policies: {
# Map of string key to policy ARNs (e.g. `arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser`)
policy_documents: {}
Run terraform apply
, or use whatever automation you already use for your Infrastructure-as-code such as Atlantis.
This results in infrastructure like the following.
Next steps
Continue by choosing which CI platform you plan to interact with, and follow the corresponding installation steps.