Fix-visibility plugin

This is a plugin for the Aspect CLI.

It listens to Bazel's build event protocol and filters for the Aborted_ANALYSIS_FAILURE event. If the Analysis Failure is due to a message containing is not visible from target this indicates that the visibility attribute of a target doesn't include the package where our target is defined.

After the build completes, the plugin offers to repair the problem by adding the missing visibility entry.

In this demo, we uncomment the alias target from example/BUILD.bazel and run bazel build example to see the failure. The plugin offers to automatically add the missing entry to visibility of the //:dev target, then we run the same build again, and it passes. The demo then runs git diff so you can see what edit was made.



To try the plugin, first check that you have Aspect installed, by running bazel version and checking for Aspect CLI version in the output.

First build the plugin from source:

% bazel build ...

Note that the .aspect/cli/plugins.yaml file has a reference to the path under bazel-bin where the plugin binary was just written. On the first build, you'll see a warning printed that the plugin doesn't exist at this path. This is just the development flow for working on plugins; users will reference the plugin's releases which are downloaded for them automatically.


Just push a tag to your GitHub repo. The actions integration will create a release.