Aspect CLI Plugins

Plugins allow you to customize Bazel's behavior, and they're easy to write! A plugin can subscribe to the Build Event Protocol (BEP), to react in real-time during the build. Plugins can contribute custom commands like lint so developers can live in a single tool.

High-level design

A plugin is any program with a gRPC server that implements our [plugin protocol].

We provide convenient support for writing plugins in Go, but this is not required. You can write a plugin in any language. We plan to provide examples for Python and JavaScript plugins soon.

Plugins are hosted and versioned independently from the aspect CLI.

The aspect CLI process spawns the plugin as a subprocess, then connects as a gRPC client to it. The client and server run a negotiation protocol to determine version compatibility and what capabilities the plugin provides.

The plugin system is based on the excellent system developed by HashiCorp for the terraform CLI. You can read more about this archecture here:

plugin protocol


Use the repo to create a starter repo.

Follow instructions on the README to customize the plugin for your org.

Plugin configuration

In a .aspect/cli/plugins.yaml file at the repository root, list the plugins you'd like to install.

This is a YAML file. As an example, this file will install the plugin defined by the aspect-cli-plugin-template starter repo referenced earlier:

- name: hello-world
  version: v0.3.1

The from line points to the plugin binary and can take one of these forms:

  1. A string with no slash characters, which is interpreted as a program on your system PATH.

  2. A filesystem path, either relative to the workspace root or absolute.

  3. A string of the form

    In this case, a version property is required as well. This form follows the convention in where a GitHub release at a tag contains the plugin binaries as assets.

    To get a binary for the right platform, we append one of these platform suffixes before fetching: -darwin_amd64, -darwin_arm64, -linux_amd64, -linux_arm64, -windows_amd64.exe

    In the yaml example above, on an x86_64 architecture Linux machine, we would download from

  4. An http/https URL from which the plugin can be downloaded.

    As in the previous case, a platform suffix is appended to the URL before fetching.


In the future, we plan to allow semantic versioning ranges to constrain the versions which can be used. When aspect runs, would then prompt you to re-lock the dependencies to exact versions if they have changed, and can verify the integrity of the plugin contents against what was first installed.

The locking semantics follow the Trust on first use approach.

Another future enhancement is for From to accept a string starting with //, which is interpreted as a Bazel Label in the current workspace.

When the `from` line is a label, it will be a `*_binary` rule which builds a plugin binary.
When the CLI loads this plugin, it first builds it from source.
This is useful as a local development round-trip while authoring a plugin. However, it is not a
great way to deploy a plugin to users, as it causes them to perform an extra build every time
they run `aspect`, whether they intend to use the plugin or not.