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Version: 0.18.x



You must declare your linters as Bazel aspects.

This is needed because Bazel only allows aspect attributes of type bool, int or string. We want to accept label-typed attributes, so we follow the documentation from

We suggest creating a linters.bzl file in whatever package contains most of your custom Bazel configuration, commonly in tools/lint. This linters.bzl should contain linter aspect declarations. See the docs/ folder for "aspect factory functions" that declare your linters.

Finally, register those linter aspects in the lint runner. See details below.


1. Linter as Code Review Bot

Aspect Workflows includes a lint task, which wires the reports from bazel-out directly into your code review. The fixes produced by the tool are shown as suggested edits, so you can just accept without a context-switch back to your development machine.

lint suggestions in code review

We recommend this workflow for several reasons:

  1. Forcing engineers to fix lint violations on code they're still iterating is a waste of time. Code review is the right time to consider whether the code changes meet your teams quality bar.
  2. Code review has at least two parties, which means that comments aren't simply ignored. The reviewer has to agree with the author whether a suggested lint violation should be corrected. Compare this with the usual complaint "developers just ignore warnings" - that's because the warnings were presented in their local build.
  3. Adding a new linter (or adjusting its configuration to be stricter) doesn't require that you fix or suppress all existing warnings in the repository. This makes it more feasible for an enthusiastic engineer to setup a linter, without having the burden of "making it green" on all existing code.
  4. Linters shouldn't be required to have zero false-positives. Some lint checks are quite valuable when they detect a problem, but cannot always avoid overdetection. Since code review comments are always subject to human review, it's the right time to evaluate the suggestions and ignore those which don't make sense.
  5. This is how Google does it, in the Tricorder tool that's integrated into code review (Critique) to present static analysis results. With Aspect Workflows we've provided a similar experience.

2. Warnings in the terminal with bazel lint

Aspect CLI adds the missing 'lint' command, so users just type bazel lint //path/to:targets.

Reports are then written to the terminal.

To configure it, add a block like the following in .aspect/cli/config.yaml to point to the *_lint definition symbols. The syntax is the same as aspects declared on the command-line

# Format: <extension file label>%<aspect top-level name>
- //tools/lint:linters.bzl%eslint

3. Warnings in the terminal with a wrapper

If you don't use Aspect CLI, you can use vanilla Bazel with some wrapper like a shell script that runs the linter aspects over the requested targets.

See the example/ file as an example, and pay attention to the comments at the top about fitting it into your repo.

Note that you can also apply fixes from linters that provide them. Pass the --fix flag to the script. This is the same flag many linters support.

4. Errors during bazel build

Add --@aspect_rules_lint//lint:fail_on_violation to the command-line or to your .bazelrc file to cause all linter aspects to honor the exit code of the lint tool.

This makes the build fail when any lint violations are present.

5. Failures during bazel test

Add a lint_test call to the linters.bzl file, then use the resulting rule in your BUILD files or in a wrapper macro.

See the example/test/BUILD.bazel file in this repo for some examples.

Linting generated files

By default, we filter out generated files from linting.

To bypass this filter, add tags=["lint-genfiles"] to a target to force all the srcs to be linted.


Some linters honor the debug flag in this repo. To enable it, add a Bazel flag: --@aspect_rules_lint//lint:debug